The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) protocol is an open-standard, XML-based framework for authentication and authorization between two parties, namely the identity provider (IdP) and the service provider (SP).
POINT supports full coverage and reference implementation of the SAML standard and can serve as the IdP, SP, or both in all edge cases including:
Supported SAML options:
OIDC is an identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 framework and it allows third-party applications to verify the identity of end-users while obtaining basic user profile information. OIDC uses JSON web tokens (JWTs) which you can obtain using standard-specified flows.
JWTs contain claims about an entity and additional metadata. The OIDC specification defines standard claims, including names, email addresses, birth dates, and gender. Custom claims can also be created and added to tokens if there isn’t a standard claim to reflect the relevant piece of information.
There are four defined flows (grant types) to get an access token:
The OAuth 2.0 framework is a protocol that allows a user to grant a third-party website or application access to a user’s protected resources without revealing their long-term credentials, or in some cases, their identity.
An OAuth 2.0 flow has the following roles:
There are three defined flows to get an access token via OAuth 2.0: